· Interview questions at Value labs.
1. What is the major diff between Selenium RC and Selenium web driver?
2. Have you ever worked on Ajax applications?
3. How would you handle Ajax controls in your applications?
4. What Is Array and Array List?
5. Write a program for bubble sort?
6. Have you ever worked on QTP tool. Difference of QTP & Selenium?
7. What are the defect management tools you are using?
8. Define bug life cycle?
9. Suppose I cannot find an element in a web page , what is the best approach to handle the same?
10. Let’s say I have a scenario.
· I have 100 links in web page. I want to count the links,
· Print the 15th link text.
· I want to click on 17th link.
· How can you come back to the previous page?
11. How do you handle multiple windows?
12. How do you handle java scripts in an application?
13. How to get the text from alerts?
14. How to upload an image file?
15. How to handle dynamic element in webpage?
16. How to find frames in a webpage?
17. What is inheritance?
18. What is class?
19. What is polymorphism?
20. What is method overloading and over ridding?
21. I want get the highest salary from a table?
22. How to update the column in a table?
23. How to connect to SQL Server using Selenium web driver?
1. Tell me something about yourself/
2. What is the Difference between RC and Web Driver?
3. How to find the No. of Rows and Columns in a Web table?
4. How to get the no. of elements from a Drop down and Print the Elements also?
5. Define your framework? How many folders in frame work?
6. I want to skip a Test in TestNg Test? How to skip same.
7. I want to get properties from xls, How to write script for the same?
8. Define DDL commands.
9. What is Inheritance?
10. What is Polymormisms?
11. What is Abstractions?
12. What is fluent wait in Selenium?
13. What is Listener?
14. What are Hash Map and Hash Table in selenium?
15. What is Thread Safe?
16. How do you handle the Ajax controls in an application?
17. Explain about your framework?
18. Are you able to design a framework for automation?
19. What is dependency Injections in Selenium?
20. How to handle frames?
21. Let’s say I have a scenario:
* see the below image.