1.Write a program to Fibonacci series ?
2.Write a program to find the largest of 3 numbers {99,999,456} ?
3.Write a java program, to swap without using 3rd variable?
Given an array int a[] = int a{1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,7}
1. Find the duplicates in the above array and store in to a seperate array
2. Find the non duplicates and store in another array.
4.Write a program to reverse a number(eg. 1234 to 4321) without using modulus operator?
5.Write a program n=1238975. Find the biggest integer value in 'N'. [o/p : 9]
6.Write a program : n=16845. O/p will be "n=14568". It should be integer value, It should be in ascending form.
7.Write a program to Reverse a String. Without using any builtin functions like reverse(), charAt()
8.Write a program: Identify and form a string with unique characters. Ex. X=Good Looking. o/p = godlkin.
9.Write a program : Find the repeated words in a given string. example String str="asdf sadf asdf haha sadf sadf test"
10.Write a program : X ="Good Looking"[User input]. Have to find unique characters cout. Should not any duplicate.
For Ex. g - 2; o - 4; d - 1; l - 1; k - 1; i - 1; n-1. [Have to print like this]
11.String s = "I am a wonderful person". Find the number of occurrence of each letters using any programming language.
12.Write a program check if the given(take your self) string is palindrome or not.
13.Write a program Check if the given(take your self) integer is palindrome or not.
14.Write code for reversing the integer? example ::input -0123456789 Output : 9876543210
15.Write program to print number series 111, 222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999 no's..
To Automate as below scenarios
Scenario1 :
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
Select radio button - holding Driving Licence, Enter DL Number (TextBOX)
Task 1 : print the 'placeholder'attribute value
Task 2 : Enter the value inthe text box
Task 3 : print the Entered value
Task 4 : clear the value again
Scenarios 2:
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
button button button on page..
Task 1: Print the Button(Submit,Refresh,Cancel)lable using By.className (btn top-space)
Scenario 3:
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
Display text on the screen :: If the LL No: RJ14 /0001234/2017 enter LL number as RJ14/0001234/2017
Task 1 : get the Text and print it
Task 2 : "RJ14 /0001234/2017" to extract the String above text
Task 3: split string using '/'
Scenario 4:
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
On page there is Date lable ( above search box)
Task 1: To get Text and print date .. every 5min interval...
Scenario: 5
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLL_execute.do
Task1 : Count and prinit no of links on the page
Task2 : Click each and every link on page ,once you get count links
(using logic :: navigate.to (url). and operate browser back and foward button
2.Write a program to find the largest of 3 numbers {99,999,456} ?
3.Write a java program, to swap without using 3rd variable?
Given an array int a[] = int a{1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,7}
1. Find the duplicates in the above array and store in to a seperate array
2. Find the non duplicates and store in another array.
4.Write a program to reverse a number(eg. 1234 to 4321) without using modulus operator?
5.Write a program n=1238975. Find the biggest integer value in 'N'. [o/p : 9]
6.Write a program : n=16845. O/p will be "n=14568". It should be integer value, It should be in ascending form.
7.Write a program to Reverse a String. Without using any builtin functions like reverse(), charAt()
8.Write a program: Identify and form a string with unique characters. Ex. X=Good Looking. o/p = godlkin.
9.Write a program : Find the repeated words in a given string. example String str="asdf sadf asdf haha sadf sadf test"
10.Write a program : X ="Good Looking"[User input]. Have to find unique characters cout. Should not any duplicate.
For Ex. g - 2; o - 4; d - 1; l - 1; k - 1; i - 1; n-1. [Have to print like this]
11.String s = "I am a wonderful person". Find the number of occurrence of each letters using any programming language.
12.Write a program check if the given(take your self) string is palindrome or not.
13.Write a program Check if the given(take your self) integer is palindrome or not.
14.Write code for reversing the integer? example ::input -0123456789 Output : 9876543210
15.Write program to print number series 111, 222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999 no's..
To Automate as below scenarios
Scenario1 :
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
Select radio button - holding Driving Licence, Enter DL Number (TextBOX)
Task 1 : print the 'placeholder'attribute value
Task 2 : Enter the value inthe text box
Task 3 : print the Entered value
Task 4 : clear the value again
Scenarios 2:
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
Task 1: Print the Button(Submit,Refresh,Cancel)lable using By.className (btn top-space)
Scenario 3:
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
Display text on the screen :: If the LL No: RJ14 /0001234/2017 enter LL number as RJ14
Task 1 : get the Text and print it
Task 2 : "RJ14 /0001234/2017" to extract the String above text
Task 3: split string using '/'
Scenario 4:
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLLDet.do
Click on Continue button
On page there is Date lable ( above search box)
Task 1: To get Text and print date .. every 5min interval...
Scenario: 5
Open Browser with url :: https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice8/newLL_execute.do
Task1 : Count and prinit no of links on the page
Task2 : Click each and every link on page ,once you get count links
(using logic :: navigate.to (url). and operate browser back and foward button