Implementing wait for element to
appear using WebDriver wait and ExpectedCondition class ie Implicit and
Explicit wait.
That is only to find the element in a web page or wait till it appear in the
DOM. But using ExpectedCondition class, you can wait for an alert to be
present, for an element to be staled while loading another page, for an element
to be ready for a click operation, and many more.
Let us see some of the code to implement above things. As an example, lets have
a situation where you perform some action on a element and it reloads the
How do you know that the page is reloaded after performing the action?
Simple answer is if the page is reloaded then the existing element will be
staled right? Ok so lets see how we can verify that.
sample code-:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement TestElement = driver.findElement(By any locator);
// perform some action on the element to reload the page